Board Report: July 2024
Delivered magnets to all homes that back up to the Natural Area
Fixed & rebolted one of the Natural Area signs
Created & distributed the July newsletter
Planned & hosted the “Ice Cream with the Board” event
Continued partnering with the landscaping team and professional consultants regarding well issues and solutions
Worked with Splash to understand which pool furniture should be replaced as part of the Reserve Project Budget allotted for 2024 >> decided to defer util a later year as all pool furniture is in great condition
Tested the new voting platform
Began asking homeowners to register for the new voting platform
Continued progress on the scanning project
Finalized the pilar & fence repair project with Mountain Streams
Collected bid for the new landscaping & snow removal contract
Collected bids for the pool house renovations
Worked with CCG to find a plumber to fix an emergency leak in the men’s restroom at the pool house
Supported Splash for the July 4th pool party
Validated the Google My Business listing for the Maple Hill HOA