2024 Maple Hill Marketplace Vendors
Just Love Coffee Cafe (sponsor) justlovecoffeecafe.com/co-ft-collins/
Specialty coffee and teas. Waffles, pastries, merchandise, wholesale beans (roasted in Nashville - our headquarters)
Maria's Jewelry (sponsor) Marias-jewelry.square.site
Handmade tagua nut jewelry and handmade alpaca scarves.
Carol Mohr
Handmade aprons, rice pillows, tooth fairy pillows etc.
Homemade dog treats
Mia's Basement Boutique Miasbasementboutique.com
Jewelry & fiber arts
Wild Hare
Wearable accessories made of polymer clay, resin, beads and semiprecious stones such as earrings, necklaces, wall art, statement pendants.
Walk the Plank Woodworks walktheplankwoodworks.com
Handmade fractal wood burning (aka Lichtenberg burning) pieces for the home
Charcuterie boards, coasters, wall art, custom countertops, cabinets, and more
Prairie Dawn Pottery prairiedawnpottery.com
Pottery/ceramics, mostly mugs and functional wares.
Casey's Crafthaus etsy.com/shop/CaseysCraftHaus
Jewelry & fidgets