Snow Removal
Snow Removal FAQs
The Maple Hill Master Association contracts with an external vendor (typically a separate contract with the landscaper) to remove the snow from the common area sidewalks in the neighborhood.
At least two (2) inches of snow must accumulate before the snow removal team is dispatched to complete the work within 24 hours.
Individual property owners (or tenants) must ensure that the snow is removed from their driveway and adjacent sidewalks within 24 hours of snowfall, regardless of the amount of accumulation. For corner lots, this includes the sidewalks on the side of the property.
This HOA property maintenance map indicates:
Blue line = where the HOA removes snow
Green line / fill = the green spaces & common areas, owned & maintained by the HOA
Purple line / fill = the Natural Area, owned & maintained by the HOA
Red line / fill = public property which is owned and maintained by the city of Fort Collins.