Application for Modifications & Improvements

Thank you for visiting the Maple Hill DRC Application page!

Please fill out the form below to submit for improvements to your property.

There is no submittal fee at this time. However, fees may still be assessed if:

  1. An Application for Modifications & Improvements was not submitted and approved in writing before beginning the work

  2. The project was altered from the original application without written approval from the DRC

  3. Any other non-compliance as outlined in the Terms & Conditions below.

The purpose of submitting an application is to have a record of changes to the property over time for prosperity or for new owners of the property in the future. Additionally, the DRC may have experience with your project and might be able to provide feedback on a detail that you may not have thought of yet. We want to work with you - not against you.

In accordance with the recorded Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions of the Association, and in order to protect each individual homeowner’s rights and values, it is required that any homeowner who is considering improvements to their deeded property (Lot) submit the following documents to the Design Review Committee (DRC) prior to beginning work on the planned improvements.

  • A completed Application for Modifications & Improvements, which must also include the following attachments:

    • Complete and detailed building plans, including material listing, specifications, and paint color chips

    • A property site/plot plan showing the location of the proposed improvement

Examples of projects that require an application (this is not an exhaustive list - please refer to the guidelines):

  • Exterior paint (same colors and/or new color scheme)

  • Decks, Patios, Awnings

  • Property Additions

  • Sheds

  • Landscaping / Xeriscaping

  • Pools & Hot Tubs

  • Solar Panels


  1. The DRC may take up to 30 days to approve or deny an application.

  2. If work on the planned improvements is started before submitting the required documents and receiving DRC written approval, you will not receive a certificate of compliance from the DRC upon completion of the project and will be subject to associated fees for non-compliance.

  3. If any change is made without approval, the DRC has the right to require the homeowner to remove the improvement from the property. 

  4. Project must be completed withing 365 days of receiving written approval from the DRC, unless an extension has been approved.

    If you have any questions, please contact the DRC at and/or the Board of Directors at

Guidelines & process are subject to change without notice.

Terms & Conditions

I understand that I must receive the written approval of the Design Review Committee (DRC) in order to proceed. 

I understand that the Association may request additional information prior to reviewing or approving this request. 

I understand that a DRC approval does not constitute approval of the local building or zoning department, drainage design, structural or engineering safety and/or soundness. I understand that I may be required to obtain building or other permits prior to the commencement of any work. I agree that my failure to obtain required building or other permits/approvals will result in the withdrawal of DRC approval and I will not receive a certificate of compliance from the DRC upon completion of the project and may incur a fine.

I agree not to alter existing drainage patterns on the Lot without the express approval in writing by the Board or DRC. 

I will not damage or alter Association property at any time, and I understand that any resulting damages to Association property may be repaired by the Association at my expense. 

Upon completion of my improvement, I hereby authorize the DRC to enter onto my property for exterior inspection at a mutually agreed upon time, if requested. I agree that my refusal to allow inspection may result in the withdrawal of DRC approval and I will not receive a certificate of compliance from the DRC upon completion of the project.

I further agree that if, at any time during the process, the DRC requests to enter onto the Lot or requests further information to determine if the improvement is being constructed in accordance with the approval plan and/or Covenants, I will comply with the request. I agree that my failure to comply with the request shall result in the withdrawal of DRC approval. In addition, I agree that my failure to complete the Improvement within one year from approval date will result in withdrawal of DRC certificate of compliance, unless an extension is requested and approved in writing.

Finally, by clicking the “Submit Application” button above, I agree that I have read and agree to these Terms & Conditions as outlined.