Board Report: June 2024
Created & distributed the agenda, drafted the meeting minutes, and ran the June 5 Board meeting
Engaged BBA Water to come out and diagnose the irrigation / well issues and formulate a plan with GreenEarth for both the short-term and the long-term
Validated and activated over 400 pool keys
Drafted the 2024 Lot Improvements letter that was sent to all 634 homes
Created & distributed the June newsletter
Hung the brochure and collections boxes next to the bulletin board at the pool
Partnered with the Social Committee to plan and organize the Neighborhood Night Out: Taste of Maple Hill event scheduled for Saturday, August 10th
We were able to secure a $750 grant for this event!
Worked with CCG on compliance violations and cure notices
Held a “Breakfast with the Board” event to answer HOA Finance & Budget questions
Supported the monthly cleanup event hosted by the Natural Area & Landscaping committee
Coordinated the mowing of the Natural Area, including a fire buffer along wetland perimeters + string trim fence lines and trimming drainage inlets / outlets / trickle channels with Back40
Created an adopt-a-block map to show which sections of the neighborhood have been adopted
Assisted the Natural Area & Landscaping committee with starting a tree map of the property
Continued working with the City’s stormwater staff to have grates installed on the tunnels in the Natural Area
…and so much more!