A community event to bring all ages together!
What exactly is this event?: A neighborhood-wide St. Patrick’s themed scavenger hunt for everyone!
When does this take place?: To give people enough time to participate, and to account for possible weather, this week-long event takes place during Spring Break (March 15 - 21, 2025).
Where can we hunt for items?: Throughout Maple Hill! Some objects will be placed in public places while others will be placed on private homeowner property. Please remember (1) not to trespass on private homeowner property (with a trained eye you will be able to see the hidden object from the sidewalk or street!) and (2) to use only your eyes and not your hands to hunt (leave all objects where you find them so that others can participate).
Why should I do this?: Prizes - duh! But also to be out in the fresh air with family or friends and get a little exercise.
Who can participate?: All Maple Hill residents are encouraged to take a stroll around the neighborhood - but be sure you are hunting for the items in your age group (see below)! Alternatively, you can hide some items around your property for folks to hunt. Or do both!
How does this event work?:
Before the event:
Residents can sign up here by March 11th to hide items on their property
Volunteers will then distribute the requested items to porches on March 13th
Residents must hide items by March 15th at 8am
NOTE: All items must be seen from the sidewalk or street; no one should need to access your property to find an item
During the event:
Tour the neighborhood to search for the items in your age group (see below)
If you would like to be eligible for prizes, be sure to keep track of the addresses of where you find items
Submit photos of you and your family or friends on your hunt to possibly be featured in the newsletter and/or on the website!
After the event:
If you would like to be eligible for prizes, submit the list of addresses where you spotted your age group items by March 22nd at 9pm
Residents that hid items on their property should put those items on their porch for pickup on March 23rd
Prizes will also be distributed to porches on March 23rd
Age Groups & Items
Ages 0-3: Rainbow + Pot of Gold Yard Signs
Yard signs should be easily visible for this age range
Ages 4-7: Shamrock Yard Signs
Yard signs can be placed slightly hidden for this age range
Examples: between bushes, behind a tree so that participants must look from different angles, etc.
Ages 8-11: Gnome Cutouts
These cutouts can be placed anywhere on the front of the house or in the yard as long as at least 50% of the figure is visible from the street or sidewalk.
Examples: peeking over a railing, partially visible in a top story window, sticking out of a garage door, etc.
Ages 12-16: Leprechaun Cutouts
These cutouts can be placed anywhere on the front of the house or in the yard as long as at least 25% of the figure is visible from the street or sidewalk.
For the kid in ALL of us!: Tiny Leprechauns
This portion of the event is geared towards people who are ages 17+ and there are no prizes - this is just for fun!
Follow the clues below to find small leprechauns hidden in the common areas (not on private homeowner property). Use the map below to help guide your adventure!
Leprechauns love to hide out under packages
Leprechauns know how to make an entrance when visiting family and friends
Leprechauns enjoy hanging out to watch all the action
Leprechauns always manage to be the splash of the party.
Leprechauns are naturally mischievous and therefore are seasoned at hiding