City Resources
Homeowners can report fireworks online. This allows FCPS to prioritize where they send limited resources:
Oil on Street:
Report to Access Fort Collins
Select Nuisance Reporting>Stormwater Pollution
Leaking Irrigation At Private Residence (usually rentals):
Report to Access Fort Collins
Select Water Utility>Report Water Waste
Animal Control:
All animal control issues go to NoCOHumane
Unhoused Individuals:
Report to FCPS - ask for the HOPE team. They have the skillset and resources to help the unhoused.
Every year a resident of Maple Hill is reported as a "transient" to FCPS and the HOA. This person may appear to be a transient but he's lived here for several years. I always stop and say "hi" when I see him walking or riding his bike.
Abandoned Vehicles on Street (expired plates, flat tires, etc):
Contact FCPS 221-6540
Abandoned Vehicles in Driveway or Yard (expired plates, flat tires, etc):
Contact code compliance 970-224-6046
Vehicles Parked on Sidewalk:
Contact (970) 419-FCPD (3273) option 7