Voting FAQs
Voting FAQs
Since it is not explicitly prohibited by the Bylaws, electronic voting is permitted by the Nonprofit Act (C.R.S. s. 7-127-109(1). “Written ballot” can refer to an electronic ballot), so long as it follows the same process as section 3.16 of the Bylaws.
Section 3.16 - Voting by Mail.
The Board of Directors may decide that voting of the Owners on any matters required or permitted by the statutes of Colorado, the Declaration, the Articles of incorporation, or these Bylaws shall be by mail. Pursuant to the Colorado Revised Nonprofit Corporation Act, any action that may be taken at any annual regular or special meeting of the Owners may be taken without a meeting if the Secretary delivers a written ballot to every Owner entitled to vote on the matter.
(a) A written ballot shall:
(i) set forth each proposed action; and
(ii) provide an opportunity to vote for or against each proposed action.
(b) Approval by written ballot shall be valid only when the cumulative voting power cast by ballot equals or exceeds the quorum required to be present at a meeting authorizing the action, and the number or percentage of approvals equals or exceeds the voting percentage that would be required to approve the matter at a meeting at which the total voting percentage cast was the same as the total voting percentage cast by ballot.
(c) All solicitations for votes by written ballot shall:
(i) indicate the number of responses or total percentage of voting power of the Association needed to meet the quorum requirements;
(ii) state the percentage of approvals necessary to approve each matter other than election of members of the Board of Directors;
(iii) specify the time by which a ballot must be received by the Association in order to be counted; and
(iv) be accompanied by written information sufficient to permit each person casting such ballot to reach an informed decision on the matter.
(d) A written ballot may not be revoked.
Pursuant to Section 3.16 of the Bylaws, “Any action that may be taken at any annual regular or special meeting of the Owners may be taken without a meeting if the Secretary delivers a written ballot to every Owner entitled to vote on the matter.”
Yes! Voters are assigned a unique access key which can only be used to vote once. They access the ballot by clicking their direct link or typing in the Access Key at
These unique keys will also be printed on the paper ballots to ensure only one vote per address.
How do voters access the ballot?
A Notice is sent to each voter, containing the voter's unique link, which takes them directly to their ballot. Notices can be delivered by Email, SMS, Postal, or Printed and distributed by the administrator.
The Access Keys is a unique, randomly generated, 16-character key required for the voter to access their ballot.
Voters should not share their Access Keys if they intend to vote themselves.
Who creates the Access Keys to access the ballot?
ElectionBuddy creates the Access Keys automatically. Individual unique access keys are created for each of your voters. These access keys are randomized, secret, and voter-specific.
How many times voters can submit a ballot?
The 16-character Access Keys are unique, voter-specific, and single-use, so the voter can only vote once using their Access Key.
Yes, all members can easily transfer their proxy to any other member in the association.
All homeowners (not tenants) will have the ability to review the ballot. However, only 1 ballot will be collected for each address.
Per Covenant 4.2, each Lot (a.k.a. "Address") shall be allocated one (1) vote per ballot. When more than one person holds ownership in any Lot, the vote for such Lot shall be exercised as they among themselves determine. In no event shall more than one vote be cast with respect to any Lot.
Your vote is tallied and included in the results once you submit your ballot. It can't be changed or deleted.
Per Bylaw Section 11.2 - Amendments to Declaration: Except as otherwise provided in the Declaration, any provision or restriction contained in the Declaration may be amended or repealed at anytime and from time to time upon approval of the amendment or repeal by members of the Association holding at least sixty seven percent (67%) of the voting power of the Association. That means we need 425 Lot votes to make ANY change to the governing documents.
Absolutely! Please click here!
Please submit this form to choose either a paper or an electronic ballot for your lot.
If you are having issues with submitting the form above, please send an email to with the following details:
My Maple Hill Address:
My Lot (a.k.a Address) would prefer to vote using (paper or electronic):
The FIRST & LAST NAME of the one (1) person to receive the ballot and notifications on behalf of your Lot (a.k.a. Address):
The EMAIL ADDRESS of the one (1) person to receive the ballot and notifications on behalf of your Lot (a.k.a. Address):
The PHONE NUMBER of the one (1) person to receive SMS notifications on behalf of your Lot (a.k.a. Address):
IF you would prefer a paper ballot....
AND IF your MAILING address is different than your MAPLE HILL address...
THEN please provide your MAILING address here:
The platform is called ElectionBuddy. Please feel free to tour the website and search the support docs for more details.